What are the costs for participating in a Leading Lights Boardroom session?
Participation is free of charge.
Are there any legal or financial obligations?
In principle, the Leading light boardroom-sessions are free of charge for attendees/guests/members. However, according to several local laws and/or corporate codes of conduct, please see the formal statement below regarding policies on gifts, entertainment and/or education:
- The Leading Lights Boardroom sessions are free of charge. This is because of the principle that the value of the content is created by the attendees themselves.
- The monetary value of a Leading Lights Boardroom session equals the out-of-pocket costs of the organising party, ICT Media BV, the Netherlands. This is limited to the costs of meals and beverages, which are rated at a maximum of 75 euro per attendee/guest per session.
- If an attendee/guest wishes to receive a formal statement and/or an invoice, the organising party can provide one on request.
Can anyone join a session
Participation is by invitation only or through endorsement by one of the other participants. To preserve the quality and value of Leading Lights Boardroom, participation is only granted to those with C-level and/or VP level positions.
Who is attending the Leading Lights Boardroom sessions
For privacy reasons we cannot share any detailed information with non-members of the participants. The majority of our participants is employed at C-level positions. Participating organisations can be viewed on the respective Leading Lights Boardroom location pages.
Will the Leading Lights Boardroom only discuss BT solutions?
No, the Leading Lights Boardrooms are for discussion and sharing knowledge on deploying solutions that equip digital transformation.
Will only BT customers attend?
No, Leading Lights Boardroom comprise both BT customers and users of solutions by other vendors.
What will be expected of me as a Leading Lights Boardroom participant?
We expect you to actively share your knowledge, experiences and thoughts at Leading Lights Boardroom sessions.
Can I bring someone to a Leading Lights Boardroom meeting?
You can nominate other people to participate. Contact us by email or through the contact form.
What happens at the Leading Lights Boardroom sessions?
We often invite an expert speaker to attend for an in-depth lecture. After that there is room for discussion and interaction.
Will there be a report on the Leading Lights Boardroom session?
At the Leading Lights Boardroom sessions we adhere to the Chatham House Rule (a rule or principle according to which information disclosed during a meeting may be reported by those present, but the source of that information may not be explicitly or implicitly identified). All information will be handled confidentially. The recap of the meeting will be shared with the participants.
Is there information that you are missing on this page? Contact us at rob@leadinglightsboardroom.com and we will get back to you.